Copper Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP)

CEEP was a 3-year project to improve the efficiency of energy use in India and China by increasing the market availability and affordability of energy-efficient copper-intensive technologies.  Its four interrelated objectives were:

IIEC completed comprehensive market assessments of the potential of various copper-intensive energy-efficient technologies including motor, transformer and ballast. It also identified energy-efficient motor and transformer as the target technologies for the Chinese and Indian markets, respectively. At the end of the three-year project, IIEC organized 4 regional workshops in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America and the full proceedings of the 4 workshops were made available in CD-ROM. A sample of the CD-ROM proceedings is shown below.

Funding Agency/Client: Common Fund Commodities (CFC), International Copper Study Group (ICSG) & International Copper Association, Ltd. (ICA)