Newsletter of the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) |
April 2012 |
Raising Awareness on Solar Home Systems in Rural Villages and
National TV in Cambodia
IIEC successfully concluded a series of promotional activities on renewable energy as part of the Renewable Energy Promotion and Awareness Program (REPA) from the Rural Electrification Fund (REF) in Cambodia. The program is funded by a World Bank / Global Environment Facility grant and the Rural Electrification Fund. |
IIEC organized a workshop entitled “Promoting Renewable Energy Projects in Cambodia” in Phnom Penh on the 8th December 2011. The objective was to trigger greater discussion and interest on renewable energy financing for rural electrification in Cambodia. A total of 49 participants attended the workshop including government officials, commercial banks, Rural Electricity Enterprises (REEs) and international development agencies. The workshop also involved a visit to two biomass gasification plants outside Phnom Penh. The workshop participants highlighted the current challenges in securing financing for renewable energy projects for rural electrification and the limited knowledge of local commercial banks on renewable energy financing. |
Solar Home Systems (SHS) play a key role in the REPA project as a total of 12,000 SHS are being installed by REF in rural villages throughout Cambodia. Therefore, IIEC organized on-site events in rural villages to promote solar energy, SHS and REF as well as engaged and educated rural people on these topics. An effective educational video, developed by IIEC, was shown to the villagers during the event. Each event was attended on average by 200 people and a number of promotional materials were distributed such as t-shirts, caps, calendars and bags. |
To further enhance SHS awareness and promotion in rural villages and at national level, IIEC disseminated a radio and TV spot on provincial radios and national TV respectively. All the materials produced by IIEC for this project are now available online at http://www.repacambodia.net/. |

On-site Event in Kampong Speu Province (left) and Workshop Attendees (right) |
For further information, please contact David Morgado - dmorgado@iiec.org |
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IIEC Supports UNEP on Solar Water Heating Market Assessment
IIEC carried out a Solar Water Heater Market Assessment of five South Asian and South East Asian countries - Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam. The assessment was part of the Global Knowledge Management and Networking activities under “Solar Water Heating (SWH) Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative” from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). IIEC is one of the regional partners for this initiative. |
Under this assessment, IIEC also carried out an Evaluation of Regional Success Stories, Evaluation of SWH Product Standards in the region and prepared a detailed future plan for promotion of SWH in each country. This comprehensive research and analysis included discussions and interviews with industry experts and SWH manufacturers in each country and an assessment of national and regional product standards. |
The consolidated report was submitted to UNEP in January 2012 and IIEC believes the report will help in consolidating and strengthening the Solar Water Heater Market in these five countries. |
Creating a Climate Change Action Database for ASEAN Region
The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a fast growing economic region exposed to a number of challenges resulting from climate change such as extreme flood events and rising sea levels. The ASEAN region members comprise of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. |
As a result of an increasing number of climate change adaptation and mitigation projects and activities in the region, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) recently contracted IIEC to design and develop the ASEAN Climate Change Action Database (ACCAD). The objective is to consolidate information on-going climate change action projects in the ASEAN region, and to lay a strong foundation for sustainable information sharing mechanisms for climate change issues. For example, IIEC has identified at least 35 international and national websites (including project databases) covering climate change actions in the ASEAN region. This shows that there is a clear opportunity for information consolidation and highlights the importance of ACCAD. |
Feasibility Study of TopTen India
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), part of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is represented in India through the Climate Change and Development Division (CCD). CCD has commissioned IIEC to undertake a feasibility study for establishment of TopTen India. |
TopTen (www.topten.info) is an information system and database for promotion of energy efficient consumer goods (appliances, electronics, building components, motor vehicles). It stimulates consumer demand and influences government policy, healthy competition amongst manufacturers, would trigger new energy efficient product development and retailers sales program. Its goal is to speed up and focus the market transformation for energy efficient consumer goods. TopTen exists as a web based information platform in several countries in Europe, China and the USA. |
Contract Signing Event (from left to right) Dr. Gerolf Weigel (Counselor and Head Climate Change and Development at SDC), Dr. Nitin Pandit (President of IIEC) and Mr. Hans-Peter Egler (Head of Trade Promotion & Environment Division, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs) at the Embassy of Switzerland, New Delhi on February 24, 2012. . |
The plan is to publically launch a national TopTen India program in the beginning of 2013.The feasibility study for TopTen India includes analysis of economic growth and ecological issues affecting consumer goods markets, policies, regulations, stakeholders and potential funding sources. IIEC will seek advice, information and opinions from relevant stakeholders and experts in India on the TopTen India project and determine a pathway for establishment of TopTen India. |
For further information, please contact B Anil Kumar- akumar@iiec.org |
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About IIEC
The International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) was established in 1984 as a non-governmental (NGO), not-for-profit organization, in order to foster the implementation of energy efficiency in developing countries and countries in transition. IIEC’s mission is to accelerate the global adoption of energy efficiency, transport and environmental policies, technologies and best practices to enable sustainable economic and environmental development. |
For the past 25 years, IIEC has been providing solutions to the problems posed by the rapid increase of energy demand in developing and industrializing countries. IIEC has an established niche as a provider of novel solutions with the flexibility to work simultaneously with multilateral institutions, governments, academic and research institutes, industry and non-governmental organizations. |
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