International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC)
Senior Management Changes at IIEC – Sanjay Dube appointed as new CEO
The IIEC Board of Directors have appointed current Vice President of South Asia, Mr. Sanjay Dube, to succeed Mr. Felix Gooneratne as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective from 1 January 2019. Mr. Gooneratne will transition to the role of Executive Director.
Mr. Sanjay Dube has been associated with IIEC since January 2002, when he joined as a Senior Project Manager and played a key role in the USAID funded ECO-II Project; and left IIEC at the completion of this project. He subsequently held senior positions at ICF International (Senior Program Manager), Emergent Ventures India (Vice President) and Chief of Party of the PACE-D Project (USAID funded) in India. He re-joined IIEC in 2013 as Vice-President of South Asia and has been instrumental in the resurgence of IIEC’s operations in India. With over 32 years of his experience working in clean energy & environment sectors, Mr. Dube has led IIEC ‘s business in India and South Asian countries. He has been working with international agencies like World Bank, ADB, UNEP, UNDP, GIZ, and British High Commission on various clean energy and climate change programs. He received his M. Tech. in Soil & Water Conservation Engineering from GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttaranchal, India and completed a Certificate course on ‘Energy Planning and Environment’ from University of Oslo, Norway.
Mr. Sanjay Dube, appointed as the new CEO of IIEC (left) and
Mr. Felix Gooneratne, transitioned to Executive Director (right)
Energy Productivity Roadmap for India
With the support of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India (BEE) and MacArthur Foundation; IIEC-India and the Alliance to Save Energy have embarked upon a first-time activity for India - developing an Energy Productivity Roadmap for India. Energy productivity is the amount of economic output (i.e., gross domestic product) per unit of energy input and is a positive measure of a country's economic, energy, and environmental performance. The project is being carried out in partnership and guidance with stakeholders in the Indian government and private sector from organizations such as EESL, BEE, Niti Aayog, UNDP and Dalmia Cement and will establish a national level plan for improving India’s energy productivity. Such a plan will drive development and prosperity in India, while limiting emissions growth by establishing a set of hypothetical scenarios for demonstrating the relationship between productive economic growth and energy consumption. The plan will also include a set of recommendations for public and private sectors leaders to incorporate energy productivity into their processes.
For more information, please contact iiecindia@org.
IIEC Opens Call for Proposals to Support Demonstration of Innovative Technologies and Business Models for Efficient and Clean Cooling in the Pacific
The Demonstration of Innovative Technology and Business Model for Efficient and Clean Cooling in the Pacific project (Cooling Demo Project), funded by the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) and implemented by IIEC is seeking high quality proposals to support demonstration of innovative efficient and clean cooling technologies and business models in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). The Cooling Demo project will provide financial support and technical assistance to these demonstrations to mitigate barriers pertaining to initial investment costs and knowledge which constraint greater adoption of efficient and clean cooling in the Pacific. Proposals for grant and technical assistance for Cooling Demo Projects are due on Tuesday, April 30th, 2019, by 6pm, U.S. Pacific time (GMT -7). Such demonstrations must include actual installation and operation of efficient and clean cooling technologies, or adoption of business models. Government agencies, authorities, private companiesand NGOs are eligible to apply for the financial and technical assistance available from this project. This project aims to enhance awareness and knowledge of policy makers and private sector organizations in PICTs on innovative technologies and business models for efficient and clean cooling applications in commercial, retail, agricultural and government sector.

Please visit the Cooling Demo Project website at http://iiec.org/coolingdemo for more information about the project and guideline for submission of proposals for grant and technical assistance under this project.
Update on APUEA Activities
In the third issue of the APUEA Magazine, it includes smart green buildings and an introduction to the green development of a new city and learning on how smarter cities is a part of the future. It also presents a digital roadmap for district energy and looks into how sustainable urban growth can be achieved. The Magazine provides an Energy Outlook of Bangkok, being one of the megacities in the Asia Pacific and updates on recent APUEA activities. Read the full APUEA Magazine at www.apuea.org/index.php/magazine.
The APUEA is an initiative of the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) that promotes the development of sustainable Urban Energy Systems in the Asia Pacific region. The APUEA platform promotes public and private sector collaboration to develop sustainable urban energy systems that support livable cities across the Asia Pacific region. The Association's online portal serves as an information hub to support city policymakers, program managers, and other stakeholders in the design, development, and implementation of sustainable urban energy systems. Through this portal, APUEA events, conferences, and continuous outreach to its members, the Association shares international and regional best practices for planning and implementing sustainable urban energy systems—including policies and regulations, business models, and technologies for implementing district heating and cooling, smart grids, energy efficiency improvements, and renewable energy systems.
An APUEA membership will provide a unique opportunity to liaise with governmental agencies and important stakeholders and get access to valuable information and intelligence on urban energy developments, business opportunities, trends, and financing in one of the fastest growing energy and infrastructure markets in the world. Membership benefits include a marketing platform, newsletters, APUEA Magazine, Annual Publications, Annual General Meeting including Trade Exhibition and Direct Assistance.
For more information about APUEA and how to become a member, contact membership@apuea.org or visit www.apuea.org.
IIEC Welcomes New Staff Members to India Office
We are pleased to announce the joining of following key staff at IIEC's New Delhi Office:
Ankit Kamra is engaged as IIEC's Senior Project Manager in our New Delhi office, where he manages a range of energy efficiency and climate change mitigation projects across sectors for multilateral/bilateral institutions including UNDP, UNEP, ADB, UNIDO, World Bank, GEF, GIZ, to name a few. In his recent role with energy advisory team with PwC, he was working in the capacity of Manager with dual responsibilities of business development and project delivery in the energy domain. Additionally, he was tasked with the responsibility of relationship management with energy related stakeholders/beneficiaries in centre and across the states. His recent engagements include ‘Development of NDC Roadmap for Energy Sector of Indonesia, Development of GEF CEO Endorsement Document for Energy Efficiency projects in India and Development of Pilot Energy Efficiency projects in Mongolia. His previous role included working with PricewaterhouseCoopers (Energy Advisory), ITC Infotech (100% subsidiary of US $ 8 billion conglomerate; Sustainability Advisory and IT Enablement) and Emergent Ventures (boutique sustainability advisory; Sustainability Advisory). He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Institute of Management Technology, India (autonomous). He is also a Certified Sustainability Practitioner on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. Additionally, he is pursing Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Management from State University.
Sumedha Awasthy is working as a Research Associate with IIEC, India. She completed her internship at RS Envirolink Technologies Pvt Ltd. where she led research on environmental and social issues for two key hydroelectric projects - Carrying Capacity of Teesta basin in Sikkim and Maheshwar Hydroelectric Project. She also interned with SGS in 2016 working on LEED rated buildings and with FICCI in 2016 to evaluate CSR initiatives of various firms. She also worked on a program with BHARTI WALMART, ‘Retail Stepping Stones Training Program’ in 2011. At IIEC has been part of the project for “GHG accounting and Capacity Building for the Cities of Jaipur, Bhopal, Mysore, Vijayawada and Guntur”. She conducted city level sectorial analysis of GHG emissions, detailed city level sectorial data collation and analysis and made presentations for the city level training workshops on GHG accounting. She is also working on “Infrastructure resilience growth in India” where her role is to review national programs for climate resilience, capacity building of rural poor for improving adaptive potential and ground level coordination in the selected states of the project. She also led the team on the “South-South Knowledge Exchange Program in Energy Efficiency”, a regional energy efficiency exchange conference supported by the World Bank and EESL. In addition, she is engaged in developing marketing material and communication strategies for IIEC. She is also trained in using different tools and software’s for data management and analysis. Sumedha holds a MSc. Resource Management and Design Application from University of Delhi, India.

Ankit Kamra, Senior Project Manager (left) and
Sumedha Awasthy, Research Associate (Right)
About IIEC
The International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) was founded in 1984 to dramatically increase the use of energy efficiency as an important clean energy approach in developing countries. We believe local presence is the best way to bring about results, and through our regional offices all over the world, we have been effective in bringing about progress in energy efficiency policy and implementation that has both reduced energy consumption by thousands of MWs and fostered economic development in the countries we serve. The IIEC works with stakeholders across all sectors to connect international best practice with the unique needs of the communities in which we operate, combining sound energy efficiency, Demand-side management (DSM) and renewable energy policy with hands-on implementation in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage sustainable development.
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