EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe Lighting Design Lab (referred to as "the Lab" and "LDL") is a unique project in the Northwest, conceived by the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Northwest Conservation Act Coalition, funded jointly by the Bonneville Power Administration, Seattle City Light, and a growing list of other sponsors (including in-kind donations by manufacturers of energy-efficient lighting technologies). The lab is operated by Seattle City Light.
In 1986, Seattle City Light, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Northwest Conservation Act Coalition developed a proposal to Bonneville Power Administration for a 1.5-year pilot research and demonstration project to promote state-of-the-art lighting strategies for commercial buildings. The Lab was to be part of an $18 million program that would provide the region with a host of lessons on commercial sector efficiency, akin to BPA's Hood River Conservation Project. (See Profile#12) While the grand scheme was not ultimately accepted, negotiations resulted in a commitment by BPA to provide 70 percent of the Lab's $2 million cost while the remaining 30 percent would come from various other sponsors.
LDL is located in Seattle and was opened in 1988 with the objective of providing energy-efficient lighting information to a wide variety of lighting professionals in the commercial sector, and to conduct tours, consultations, classes, demonstrations, and other educational activities on state-of-the-art energy-efficient lighting strategies and design.
Unlike most Results Center case studies, the Lighting Design Lab is focused on education, acting as a centralized resource center on efficient lighting products for the Pacific Northwest. The Lab's product is information, conveyed through the physical demonstration of new technologies and strategies. LDL demonstrates a variety of products from over 40 different manufacturers. The information is presented functionally through free classes, demonstrations, displays, tours, consultations and simulations available to anyone in the region.
In 1991, BPA extended the Lighting Design Lab budget for an additional five years, (from 9/1/91 through 12/31/97) with a total cost of $3,917,933. While its effect is difficult to quantify, and an imprecise exercise at best, the success and competence of the Lighting Design Lab has sparked interest all over the world.
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