The GEF Council approved UNEP-IEA Lead Electric Vehicle along with 16 country projects. The assignment is to develop the GEF CEO Endorsement document (GCED) and related annexes proposal for India and Maldives based on the approved child project concept for the two countries. This includes the GEF CEO Endorsement request document as well as all UN Environment annexes and appendices for the GEF 7 cycle project.
Project Activities:
- Undertake information gathering and analysis on electric vehicle necessary for preparing the GCED and related annexes;
- Undertake consultations with key stakeholders as agreed with UN Environment and ADB in understanding the needs and in developing the deliverables for the project to meet the outputs and outcomes outlined in the Child Project Concept.
- Identify potential co-financing contributions and undertake discussions to seek collaboration and co-financing letters from partners.
- Prepare a final draft of the full GCED and annexes under the guidance of UN Environment as per the detailed annotated templates included in Annex I for submission to internal UN Environment review processes (including the Project Review Committee – PRC) and post-approval by PRC to the GEF Secretariat;
- Review all PRC / GEF Sec comments on the CEO Endorsement Document, propose responses and ensure review sheets are developed timely and with high quality.
Specific tasks to India:
- Facilitate organizing two stakeholder workshops in India – one (1) with the private sector actors and one (1) with the policymakers, civil society, and research organizations.
- Work in close collaboration with EESL appointed focal point in undertaking the work.
- Work in close collaboration with ADB-appointed experts in developing the proposal, specifically information and analysis related to private sector actors in e-vehicle space and component 3 described in the Child Project Concept.
Specific tasks related to the Maldives:
- Work in close coordination with the Ministry of Environment appointed focal point in undertaking the work.
- Undertake at least one mission of two weeks to collect the necessary information and if possible, a first draft of the main body of the CEO Endorsement Document, Workplan, GEF budget and co-finance budget.
- Organize one (1) stakeholder consultation workshop during the mission to share the findings and seek inputs and suggestions on the design of the project.
Funding Source United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) |
Partners Involved pManifold Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. |
Themes Covered Under Project
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