Demand-side Management Implementation Strategy and Load Research Program – Sri Lanka (1999 - 2002)

This 3-year project, funded by the World Bank, involved assisting the Demand-side Management (DSM) Branch of the Ceylon Electricity Board in conducting Load research. Market research, DSM program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; and undertaking demonstration projects on renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.

The key objectives of the project were: 1) To develop and enhance the strengths and capabilities of CEB to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate DSM initiatives; 2) To assist DSMB in implementing the DSM Action Plan; 3) To conduct Load Research and develop Market Research in all customer segments; 4 To strengthen the existing DSM pilot programs; 5) To build capacity to identify, prioritize, design and implement new DSM programs; 6) To develop the capability to monitor and evaluate DSM programs; and 7) To establish a comprehensive database and analytical framework of customer end-use patterns and trends to support future DSM program design, implementation and evaluation.

Funding Agency/Client: The World Bank / Ceylon Electricity Board

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