Scoping the Role of Private Finance Institutions in Climate Finance Across India

GIZ India has awarded a project to IIEC India and Ricardo-AEA to study and report on how climate concerns affect investment decisions in India. This study seeks to assess the investments in various sectors of mitigation-related projects and seek an understanding of which best practices among private finance institutions can be scaled up. Particular consideration is being given to project selection, disbursement, monitoring and reporting. A particular focus shall be given to national mitigation schemes – such as the budget allocations for national action plans for climate change (NAPCC) or the state action plans for climate change SAPCCs and potentially internationally funded NAMAs – and how they can function as a vehicle to generate additional private climate finance. The main purpose of the study is to develop a kind of matrix, linking private financial actors with investment types across various mitigation sectors and activities with the aim of capturing best practices to scale up climate finance.


The core methodology of the study is to interact directly with the Indian private sector players to understand their perspective on climate finance, the role they envisage for themselves and how they are currently integrating climate concerns in their various investment decisions.

For further information, please contact Prima Madan - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.