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Electrifying Mobility in Cities: Investing in the Transformation to Electric Mobility in India” and “Integrated, Sustainability, and Low Emission Transport in Maldives” (2019 - 2020)

The GEF Council approved UNEP-IEA Lead Electric Vehicle along with 16 country projects. The assignment is to develop the GEF CEO Endorsement document (GCED) and related annexes proposal for India and Maldives based on the approved child project concept for the two countries. This includes the GEF CEO Endorsement request document as well as all UN Environment annexes and appendices for the GEF 7 cycle project.

Market assessment and mapping of international solar developers and financing institutions for large scale solar deployment in Indian Railways (2018)

The project aims to demonstrate the technical, regulatory, and financial feasibility of large-scale solar projects implemented on Indian Railways (IR) owned land, feeding into their transaction network and thereby reducing IR’s energy cost through long-term agreements to purchase low-cost solar power.

SAPCC Strengthening: Developing a Common Monitoring and Evaluation and Impact Assessment Framework in Bihar and Kerala (2018)

The main objective of the project is to help select governments to manage their response to climate change in a comprehensive manner for the specific initiatives under the State Action Plan for Climate Change (SAPCC) and their contribution towards achieving the NDC and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The immediate objectives are to align the SAPCCs to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and to help develop M&E tools and approaches specific and targeted to each state, to help them plan, monitor, and manage the implementation of SAPCCs better. Learning from these state-level experiences will be consolidated and broadened to serve as a general Monitoring and Evaluation Framework that serves the needs and interests of all locations in the region (and beyond).

Accelerating Adoption of Sustainable Thermal Comfort for Transition towards Energy and Climate Resilient Cities in India (2018)

The project aims to accelerate the adoption of sustainable thermal comfort for the transition towards energy and climate-resilient cities in India. IIEC was responsible to carry out an assessment regarding ongoing policies and programs as well as efforts being made by different agencies and the private sector for bringing energy efficiency in the cooling of buildings and development of the National Cooling Action Plan.

Reducing air pollution in India’s industrial clusters through smart energy management (2019 - Ongoing)

The main objective of the project is improving understanding among government, industrial, and utility partners of the linkages between air quality and utility/industrial energy management; demonstrating the potential for reducing air pollution levels to achieve multiple health-related and economic benefits through smart management of utility operations and industrial energy use, and developing a methodology for attracting bundled private finance for these clean energy solutions.