Analysis of the Impacts of Transportation in Santiago de Chile


South America

Service Area

Climate Change

Project Title

Analysis of the Impacts of Transportation in Santiago de Chile




Climate Change Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Tinker Foundation

Project Funding Agency

Climate Change Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Tinker Foundation

Project Duration

Start Date


Scheduled Completion


Project Description and Summary of Services






IIEC conducted a study to assess the impacts of transportation in Santiago de Chile.   This study summarizes research on full transportation costs to help in policy making and planning in Santiago. Each cost category is described and available cost estimates from Santiago and other comparable cities are described.  This research is particularly important at the time because Santiago was experiencing tremendous growth in automobile ownership and use. While this growth provided benefits to users, it  also imposes costs on users and society. The study attempts to determine the level of externalities present in Santiago’s transportation market for 1994, and examines issues such as: where subsidies exist, how efficient current pricing mechanisms are, and what the policy measures might be used to improve actual market performance. The study makes recommendations for additional and refined research.


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