Our Achievements
Renewable Energy
In Cambodia, where electricity prices are among the highest in Asia, imported diesel is still the main fuel
used for power generation, particularly in rural areas. As a result, low-income households have limited
access to energy, which is a significant impediment to their economic prosperity. With support from the
World Bank, IIEC implemented the Renewable Energy Promotion and Awareness Project to raise
awareness about RE through television and radio advertisements and nationwide events in rural areas,
leading to installation of 12,000 solar home systems in 7 provinces in Cambodia. IIEC conducted an
assessment of RE stakeholders for scalable project investments, and stimulated discussions and workshops
on rural RE opportunities among local commercial banks, rural electricity enterprises, and the Rural
Electrification Fund (REF).
Finding the most effective funding mechanism for RE
has been a major challenge in the Philippines. As an
implementer of the New and Renewable Energy
and Livelihood Support Project, IIEC designed
and piloted a risk-sharing funding mechanism in the
province of Palawan to support RE. A portfolio of
partial risk sharing guarantee funds was pilot tested
to promote the commercialization of solar home
systems. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
jointly funded the project.
Under the Philippine Energy Efficiency Project
(PEEP), the use of LEDs in solar home systems was
piloted in 223 households in off-grid areas of Aklan,
Antique, Palawan, and Davao. The project scope
included the procurement, installation and performance
monitoring of the solar home systems, and
resulted in an estimated 10,704 liters of avoided
kerosene use per year.

Solar LED Public Lighting in Off-Grid Areas in the Philippines
IIEC developed a Scalable Program for the
Productive Use of Methane from the Dairy Industry with funding from US EPA. Our team managed the
project development process with three dairies in
India, as well as the regulatory process of tariff setting.
IIEC also helped install electricity generation
equipment (micro-turbine and internal combustion
engines) to enable the dairies to utilize the methane
from the wastewater systems. Furthermore, we set up
a large-scale distributed generation program for the
dairy industry in partnership with the Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy and state agencies involved in
the promotion of RE technologies in various states of

Wastewater Treatment Plant
IIEC, in partnership with the Fraunhofer Institute
for Solar Energy Systems and the Joint Graduate
School of Energy and Environment, implemented
the Market Development for Solar Thermal
Applications in Thailand (Soltherm Thailand)
Project to revive the solar thermal market in
Thailand. IIEC collaborated with the industry to
strengthen its capacity and diversify its market
segments in the residential, commercial and
industrial sectors. The project resulted in the
formation of the Thai Solar Thermal Association
and the launch of government subsidies for solar
thermal technology.
Implementation of Photovoltaic (PV) Standardization,
Certification and Labeling for Thailand Project –
under the European Union (EU)-Small Project Facility
fund – led to harmonization of test standards across
European and Thai solar industries, and to cooperation
between respective test laboratories. For this project,
IIEC carried out research and analysis of the solar PV
industry, and provided technical assistance for
incorporating International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) standards in the Thai PV standards, as well as
recommendations for the development of a Thai PV
quality label.
Our Achievements at a Glance
Country | Project | Funding Agency | Impacts |
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam | Solar Water Heater Market Assessment | UNEP | Strengthened market development of solar water heaters in 5 countries |
Cambodia | Renewable Energy Promotion and Awareness Project | World Bank | 12,000 Solar Home Systems installed successfully and supporting promotional materials designed |
India | Solar Thermal Market Development (various projects) | BASF, USAID, UNEP | Solar thermal market developed for residential, commercial and industrial sectors |
India | Assessment of the Potential to Capture Methane from Distillery and Winery Waste (M2M) | US EPA | Assessed distillery and winery waste in India and potential methane capture |
India | Productive Use of Methane in Indian Dairies | USAID | Installed methane capture technologies in Indian dairy farms |
Philippines | Green Independent Power Producer | World Bank / IFC | Developed business plan for power aggregation (including a framework for trading in the Philippines Wholesale Electricity Spot Market) that can be adopted by any prospective renewable energy company |
Philippines | Energy Production from Biomass Materials | NZAID | 1.5 MW biomass power plant on-stream for feasibility and investment packaging |
Philippines | Green Energy Rating Program under the Philippine Capacity Building to Remove Barriers to Renewable Energy Development (CBRED) Project | UNDP / GEF | Institutionalisation of the Green Energy Rating Program; provided mechanism to award and incentivize active project developers and end-users for participation in successful RE projects |
Philippines | LED Solar Home Systems | ADB | Off-grid supply to 223 households – reduced kerosene use by 10,700 liters/year |
Thailand | Market Development for Solar Thermal Applications in Thailand | EU | Initiation of an assessment of solar thermal in commercial application project by a government agency; and Development of the Thai Solar Thermal Association |
Thailand | Photovoltaic Standardization, Certification, and Labeling for Thailand | EU | Formation of the Thai Technical Committee on Photovoltaics and the adoption of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards |
Thailand | Policy Research for the Promotion of R&D in RE and EE in Thailand | Thai Research Foundation | Policy recommendations and R&D priorities for the Thai government |