Sopin Wachirapuwadon, Senior Project Manager
Sopin Wachirapuwadon is the senior project manager of the IIEC, based in the Bangkok office, Thailand. She has more than 20 years of experience in the development and implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in SME and industrial facilities, energy audits and benchmarking, market studies and assessments, includes preparation of energy policy studies related to demand response and smart grid master plan. She has experience of private renewable energy investment on financial bankable processes and technical due diligence, particularly industrial-scale biogas systems.She has also relevant practical experience on climate change - implementation of the successfully registered CDM- renewable energy biogas power plant. Before joining IIEC, Sopin worked with Excellent Energy International, one of the most active Energy Service Company (ESCO) in Thailand, and GIZ. She also supported the EEP Mekong Programme and UNIDO in the evaluation of their energy programs in the region. She holds a Master’s degree in the field of energy technology and also an MBA. Sopin has practical experience in working with government agencies and industry in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.