Thailand Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (RAC NAMA) (2019 - On-going)

This project aimed at providing overall support to the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) in Thailand in activities related to cooperation with GIZ under the RAC NAMA project on the topic of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling, in particular: 1) Develop a proposal for submission to ENCON fund for establishing a chiller testing facility in Thailand based on a technical assessment; and 2) Develop and deliver recommendations on mandatory labelling and revision of legal framework to enable effective mandatory labeling.

IIEC performed the following activities: 1) Supported in finalizing the study, “Energy Efficiency in Thai RAC sector: Taking Stock and Looking Forward”. 2) Supported in developing the study on Chiller Testing Facilities in Thailand. 3) Development of proposal for acquiring funding for the establishment of a chiller testing facility in Thailand and its submission to Energy Conservation Promotion Fund (ENCON Fund). 4) Supported activities related to the revision of legal framework for mandatory labeling. 5) Provided further support to DEDE in its cooperation with GIZ in the RAC NAMA project on the topic of energy efficiency.

Funding Agency/Client: GIZ

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