ESCO Market Assessment – Thailand

This project, funded by GTZ for the Department of Energy Promotion and Development (DEDP), estimated the potential market size for energy services companies (ESCOs) in large commercial and industrial facilities and identified the barriers to energy efficiency financing. The study projected a five-to-seven-year achievable potential of 18 – 30 million GJ of electricity savings and CO2 mitigation of 2.1 – 5.7 million tones which would require US $ 234 – 698 million in investments. The study also recommended increasing lending in energy efficiency investments, improvements on the existing programs, promotion of the ESCO business model and establishment of energy efficiency revolving fund.

IIEC conducted a market survey: 1) To estimate the potential market size for energy services companies (ESCOs) in large commercial and industrial facilities; and 2) To identify the primary barriers to EE financing from the point of view of end users, banking institutions, and vendors/service providers.

Funding Agency/Client: GTZ / Department of Energy Promotion and Development (DEPD)

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