Implementation of Energy Efficiency Policy Initiatives - Sri Lanka (2011 - 2013)

The overall objective of the project is to pilot test efficient lighting technologies in the residential sector and prepare application guidelines for a large scale sustainable program. The project also includes a policy study on efficient lighting and develops a roadmap for implementation based on international best practices.

Service Provided: 1) Conduct a market survey on energy efficient lighting products suitable for domestic application and determine the type of lighting technologies that could be trialled in the project; 2) Conduct a baseline survey to determine the type of lighting used in the residential sector, customer perceptions on a range of EE lighting, and willingness to participate infield trials; 3) Prepare a lighting product and installation guidelines for urban and rural residential and small business applications for publication and distribution by the IA (SustainableEnergy Authority of Sri Lanka – SEA); 4) Develop relevant policy on EE lighting and a roadmap formaximum dissemination and utilization of EE lighting and systems in Sri Lanka; and 5) Develop guidelines for safe disposal.

Funding Agency/Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB) / Government of Sri Lanka

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