Phasing Out Incandescent Lamps through Market Transformation in Vietnam (2016 - 2017)

The project aimed to phase out incandescent lamps (ILs) production and sale through the transformation of the lighting products market as well as the promotion of high-quality energy saving lamps (ESLs) in Vietnam.

Following activities were covered by IIEC during the project: 1) Studied various reports, documents, and information generated in the project output; 2) Developed a questionnaire/format for observing and assessing the changed/results achieved throughout the project; 3) Prepared a case study for collating the benefits form the demonstration projects; 4) Interacted with various stakeholders and beneficiaries involved in the project under different components and extract the good practices and lesson learnt; 5) Visited different demonstration sites, interact with different beneficiaries, and identify all possible different benefits (social, economic, environmental, health, education, etc.) accrued under this project, including information on how men and women assessed and perceived the changes; 6) Identified the scope for development/up-scaling of various activities; 7) Analyzed the interventions and benefits in the context of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) and mainstreaming gender dimensions during assessment and implementation of interventions; 8) Assessed the impact of the project on GHG emission reductions and climate change initiatives in Vietnam; 9) Mainstreamed gender throughout the impact assessment; 10) Prepare a best practice guide which can be used or replicated in the other similar programmes.

Funding Agency/Client: United Nations (UN)

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