Green Independent Power Aggregator - Philippines (2005 - 2006)
This project is designs and pilot-tests a business model for aggregation that will provide opportunities for distributed renewable generators (e.g. wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal) in the Negros region in the Philippines to integrate and create a hybrid system to overcome each other’s seasonality and intermittency and match the base load requirements of electric utilities. The business model for power aggregation is designed in the context of the recent policy and business environment that governs the electricity market in the Philippines. It is particularly developed in view of engaging the distributed renewable generators to actively participate in the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market as a trading participant. Therefore, several consultations and workshop involving the distributed renewable and non-renewable generators, the National Transmission Company, the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market, and the electric utilities in the Negros region serve an integral part of the project.
Services Provided: 1) Resource assessment; 2) Policy review of the electric power industry; 3) Business planning and strategy formulation; and 4) Consultations and workshop with the power industry stakeholders, renewable and nonrenewable distributed generators.
Funding Agency/Client: Energy Sector Management Program (ESMAP) / International Finance Corporation