Report on Vietnamese Delegation’s Energy Efficiency Knowledge Exchange Program in India, 25th February – 1st March 2019, New Delhi, India
This publication is the results from the workshop of the Vietnamese Delegation’s Energy Efficiency Knowledge Exchange program, which took place in New Delhi, India from 25th February 2019 to 1st March 2019 for a group of Energy Efficiency (EE) practitioners from Vietnam to study national and state level EE programs and schemes like Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) in India.
This program was held under the auspices of a collaborative platform to provide opportunity to Vietnam for knowledge exchange and learning in order to enhance the capacity to deliver EE, Demand Side Management (DSM) and Smart Metering programs in Vietnam. The program aimed to enhance greater connectivity between the community of the World Bank Group’s (WBGs) EE practitioners and country stakeholders from Vietnam, led by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) and in India, led by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL). The overall emphasis of the knowledge exchange was on financing, implementation and delivery of energy efficiency.
This report focuses on this Knowledge Exchange program which took place in India during 25th February 2019 – 1st March 2019, its objectives, detailed discussions, outcomes and learning’s from key EE practitioners from India and Vietnam. Twenty-two EE practitioners representing public and private sector agencies, financing institutions and banks and from World Bank office in Vietnam had participated in this Knowledge Exchange Program.
The program was organized by the World Bank in collaboration with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL). The International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) implemented the 5-day program in India, as a technical consultant to the World Bank. The exchange program consisted of meetings and interactive sessions with experts BEE, EESL, financing institutions, industry and international agencies working in India. The participants also visited the industries to learn about the implementation of energy efficiency measures under PAT Scheme.
The program not only provided the opportunity to learn from the information shared by the key speakers but also to network with each other, exchange knowledge, enabled technology transfer and build partnerships for design and implementation of innovative EE programs in future in Vietnam. IIEC also undertook a short feedback survey from the participants at the end of the 5 day-long program. The participants shared constructive feedback on the training and content of the sessions. Participants also provided their inputs for future improvements in the design of exchange programs. The recommendations also included some observations which can be used to develop strategic partnerships between the two countries.
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