Market assessment and mapping of international solar developers and financing institutions for large scale solar deployment in Indian Railways (2018)
The project aims to demonstrate the technical, regulatory, and financial feasibility of large-scale solar projects implemented on Indian Railways (IR) owned land, feeding into their transaction network and thereby reducing IR’s energy cost through long-term agreements to purchase low-cost solar power.
IIEC was tasked to 1) Identification of various categories of international players for technology transfer, technology demonstrations, financing, undertaking technical studies and assistance and project management support, including Solar Panel manufacturing, Balance of Plant (BOP), developer services (includes EPC), grid integration services, legal services, and financial services; 2) Identifying entry points for international investors for large scale solar deployment; and 3) Developing business case(s) for international players to promote the technology transfer, financing of projects and to establish long term partnerships where the conditions for providing operations and management (O&M) and long-term support for the management of projects. Funding Agency/Client: UNDP.