Cooling System for fresh product and seafood (Cool Plates)

The cooling system of Coolplates is a modular system that cools fresh produce, fresh seafood on flake ice from underneath. Products keep their optimal condition longer and remain freely accessible. The system is simple and quick to install in most store environments. All you need is 220/240 volt connection. The Coolplates system can be installed in existing store displays or in a seperate refrigerating presentation unit. Depending on the situation and the size of the display unit, the building-up of the systeem requires one or more hours. The modular construction of the system makes it possbile to align the position of the coolplates at your own desired height.
Modular tailor-made system
The modular Coolplates system consists of standardized components that are assembled entirely on the individual needs of the customer.
Credit photos: Coolplates
Standard sizes
The coolplate is available in several standard sizes so that both, the stainless steel flat and raised edged coolplate (coolbin), can be used optimally. The coolplates are easy to combine with each other offering a wide-range of freedom in the display possibilities.
We offer crates and trays for optimal working of the Coolplates system specifically designed for Coolplates. Our stainless steel trays and crates ensure optimal system operation.
Tailor-made solution
The production of the coolplates is carried under our own supervision at our factory. As a result, the coolplates can be tailor-made if desired. In practice it has been shown, in almost all cases, that the standard coolplates meet most requirements.
Address: Einsteinstraat 15a
6902 PB Zevenaar
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 316 291207
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