Demonstration of Innovative Technology and Business Models for Efficient and Clean Cooling in the Pacific Project

The Demonstration of Innovative Technology and Business Models for Efficient and Clean Cooling in the Pacific Project (Cooling Demo Project) is funded by the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) aims to enhance awareness and knowledge of policy makers and private sector organizations in Pacific island countries and territories (PICTs) on innovative technologies and business models for efficient and clean cooling applications in commercial, retail, agricultural and government sectors.
To remove the above mentioned barriers, this project is designed to promote efficient and clean cooling in the Pacific, which of the following are objectives:
- To enhance awareness and knowledge of policy makers and private sector organizations in Pacific island countries and territories (PICTs) on innovative technologies and business models for efficient and clean cooling applications in commercial, retail, agricultural and government sector.
- To develop sound business case studies on innovative efficient and clean cooling technologies and business models to promote replication and scaling up in the Pacific, including by informing future of HCFC phase-out management plans (HPMPs), policies, finance efforts, national cooling plans and/or nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
- To support champions (policy and corporate) that are progressing more efficient and clean cooling in the Pacific, and in international engagements.
Project implementation period: January 2019 – April 2021
Remark: SAN FRANCISCO - August 24, 2021 – ClimateWorks Foundation announced that the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) has changed its name to the Clean Cooling Collaborative.