Virtual Trade Show (VTS) - Worldwide (2001)
The objectives of this project were: (1) to establish a web-based tradeshow/platform for businesses that offer energy efficiency technologies, products, and services to customers and (2) to create an information/knowledge library containing energy efficiency technologies for processes, energy efficiency products and services and successful energy-efficiency investment case studies.
The functionality of the information/knowledge library would be searchable by a web-based search engine through the web-based tradeshow. Visitors could freely search, inquire and discuss their requirements with particular suppliers and experts. They could get information on how to reduce energy consumption in their factory, which technologies to focus on as they develop the project concept, and how well these technologies would work for them.
Various publications and reports available at IIEC provided information on relevant technologies and supporting case studies. These served as the primary information source for the virtual trade show prior to the transformation of all information into a concise user-friendly format accessible through the web.