The project aims to develop a National Efficient Lighting Strategy and design and operationalize a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) for energy-efficient lighting in Pakistan, whereby seeking to accelerate the adoption of energy-efficient lighting products, reducing energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions.
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This project is to address key issues that affect the design of Standards and Labeling Programs, as well as the effectiveness of institutions in implementing them. The activities include: (1) Market Analysis, Stakeholder Consultation on Energy Policy and Program Design; (2) Market Preparedness and Industry Awareness Raising; (3) Drafting of Regulations and Standards; (4) Labeling, Awards, and Incentives; and (5) Implementation Support.
Pakistan faces multiple challenges to its economic and social growth, which is made worse by its energy crisis. As such, this project was developed to secure significant global climate change mitigation and environmental benefits by instituting efficient lighting policies and creating a framework for innovative financial mechanisms that promote high efficiency products. The transition to high efficiency lighting, particularly products based on LEDs and controls, would significantly reduce electricity consumption and related GHG emissions, and enable better management of peak power demand. Specifically, IIEC developed a National Efficient Lighting Strategy, including an MVE to ensure effective transition towards energy efficient lighting. A revolving loan fund, known as Lighting Funding Window was also designed as part of the project.