Assessment of the Potential to Capture Methane from Distillery and Winery Waste in India (2008 - 2009)

Under this project, IIEC will complete a market assessment study of the distillery and wineries industry. The study will focus on the wastewater treatment equipment and processes and the methane capture potential from the sector. During this phase, IIEC will initiate grouping of the process experts with the industry leaders in order to define a longer-term collaboration for evolving Indian AgStar program for distilleries and wineries.

IIEC project team will map the wastewater treatment technologies relevant to Indian distilleries and wineries vis-à-vis the international best practices.

IIEC will assess the feasibility and options to develop an institutional home that is credible from the perspective of partnership between financial institutions, distillery/winery owners and their associations and government departments responsible for monitoring of wastewater discharge.

IIEC will define capacity building modules targeted at bio-methanation and related processes to be conducted by other institutions in India.

IIEC has already compiled the database of distilleries and wineries in the country and has circulated a detailed and comprehensive questionnaire seeking details of the wastewater treatment practices and methods. Background information on both the industries has been researched and analyzed. Very shortly project site visits are being planned by the IIEC team to meet with some of the industry leaders to appraise them on the Indian AgStar program and also understand the information and data needs for the curriculum design of the capacity building and training programs.

Funding Agency/Client:USEPA

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