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Integration of Renewable Energy in Buildings in India (2019 – 2022)

The objective of this project is to design, showcase and monitor building integrated renewable energy technologies suitable to and affordable in the local condition and applicable for multi-storey buildings, which are currently given a major push at the government level in India. It further aims to develop local skills for up-scaling the technologies and capacity building of different stakeholders relevant to the topic.

Accelerating Decentralised Energy Generation in India through International Supply Chains Driving Scale Up of Reliable Solar Mini Grids (2015)

This project aimed to identify the supply chain barriers in deploying solar mini-grids in India and identify opportunities for international supply chains driving high-quality standards- procedures, encourage investment into the sector and provide recommendations for large scale deployment of solar PV mini-grids in India.

Assessment of the Potential to Capture Methane from Distillery and Winery Waste in India (2008 - 2009)

Under this project, IIEC will complete a market assessment study of the distillery and wineries industry. The study will focus on the wastewater treatment equipment and processes and the methane capture potential from the sector. During this phase, IIEC will initiate grouping of the process experts with the industry leaders in order to define a longer-term collaboration for evolving Indian AgStar program for distilleries and wineries.