IIEC Recent News
Assessment of the Potential Savings on Refrigerators, Air-Conditioners and Lighting in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam
IIEC is contracted under United for Efficiency (U4E) – a public-private partnership led by UN Environment and other international organizations – to conduct market and technology assessment on lighting, refrigerators and air conditioners in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam to understand market status, trends and savings potential of energy efficiency policies, as well as to improve the accuracy of the country baseline market.
The six key areas are captured for each of the targeted countries i.e. policy context, technology summary, market overview, shipments summary, end-use application characterization, and energy savings estimate. The output from this project will facilitate a market transformation towards more energy-efficient appliances and lighting, and thereby reduce the rate of growth in electricity demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while simultaneously increasing energy access and improving reliability.