RFP#8 – Technical support to MSMEs for implementation of Energy Efficient Technologies (Deadline 26 March 2025)

Under the GEF-6 Cycle, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is supporting Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), for the execution of the “Creating and Sustaining Markets for Energy Efficiency” Project. UNEP is the implementing agency for this project and EESL is the ‘executing agency’. This GEF project aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through energy efficiency through scaling up and new technology applications. Since the start of 2024, the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) has been assisting EESL as a technical executing agency in the execution of the tasks under the GEF-6 project.

IIEC is seeking to engage a consultant/ agency to scale up economically viable and replicable energy-efficient technologies in the secondary steel and textile sector, creating an enabling environment for developing a long-term sustainable growth strategy for the sector, and contributing significantly to India’s climate commitments. The study encompasses extended technical assistance to 75 MSME units in the sub-sectors of the Secondary Steel and textile sector through the development of detailed project reports (DPRs) for select energy-efficient technologies and extends direct implementation support to at least30 of these units. The assignment shall facilitate scaling up of the selected energy efficient technologies building upon the earlier and ongoing projects in secondary steel and textile sector by GEF, UNDP and BEE projects but not limited to the technologies suitable for these sectors paving a long-term roadmap for sustainable development.


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