IIEC Recent News
Consultation Workshop on Market Transformation of Energy Efficient Lighting, Air Conditioners and Refrigerators in Lao PDR
As part of a cooperation with the Lao PDR Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) and the Ministry of National Resources and Environment (MONRE) which acts as a National Designated Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund (GCF), jointly organized a GCF Consultation Workshop on “Market Transformation of Energy Efficient Lighting, Air Conditioners and Refrigerators in Lao PDR”, on September 19, 2018 in Vientiane Capital.
Participants included representatives from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC), the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the Electricité du Laos (EDL), the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) and the National University of Laos (NUOL). IIEC is contracted to prepare and finalize the "GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposal” in consultation with key national stakeholders to establish a clearly defined scope, outputs, tasks, specific activities, estimated time and budget required to access funding under the GCF Readiness Programme. The proposed readiness request aims to build on existing work done in Lao PDR on policy, regulations on efficient lighting and room air conditioners, strengthen country capacity in designing and implementing MEPS and labeling program and develop an implementation plan for large scale energy efficiency implementation of S&L programs, in order to accelerate the market transformation towards energy efficient lighting and electrical appliances and enable Lao PDR in achieving national commitments.