Cool Phase Ventilation System - Phase Change Materials New Applications (Monodraught)

COOL-PHASE is an award winning natural cooling and low energy ventilation system that creates a comfortable, fresh and healthy indoor environment that can significantly reduce the running costs of buildings. The system uses the concept of a ‘Thermal Battery’ to capture and store heat and cooling energy. The Thermal Batteries use the latent heat property of a Phase Change Material (PCM) to store large amounts of energy. This PCM changes phase at room temperature and is charged and discharged by passing air through its thermal batteries releasing the stored energy when it is required. The COOL-PHASE system monitors indoor and outdoor temperatures, internal CO2 levels and humidity and automatically ventilates the space via the means of an intelligently controlled Air Handling Unit.
Address: Halifax House, High Wycombe,
Buckinghamshire, HP12 3SE
Tel: +44 01494 897700
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.