IIEC assisted the Philippine Team of the US Country Studies Program in the study of climate change issues and options by providing technical and policy information for their consideration and by facilitating public dialogues on the options available.
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In this project, IIEC investigated opportunities for voluntary programs and profitable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in key developing countries in Asia.
This project explored new concepts for procuring sustainable energy resources in developing countries. Due to a high level of interest in power-sector restructuring and the support from the Philippine AID mission, the Philippines was selected as the target country. IIEC (1) gave presentations on and discussed the IRB concept with the staff and managers at the Asian Development Bank, the Philippine Department of Energy, the Philippine Energy Regulatory Board, the National Power Corporation, MERALCO, CEPALCO, etc. and (2) convened a round table discussion in August 1998 on the IRB and the then draft Omnibus Energy Bill with representatives from most of the above institutions. As a spin-off to this IRB project, IIEC worked with Greenpeace International to develop a policy concept called Green Independent Power Producers for Southeast Asia. IIEC prepared a detailed and well-documented report on the concept, which Greenpeace presented at the Renewable Energy for Asia and the Pacific (REAP) conference in Shanghai in October 1998.
This project involved an assessment of the market and the promotion of the use of energy-efficient motors. IIEC leveraged other activities to oversee specific activities in India and to provide support for Motor Challenge activities in other Asian countries.
The Asia Standards Project investigated the potential for establishing energy-efficiency standards and energy labeling for electrical appliances and equipment in Asia. Its primary objectives were: (1) to inform international donor agencies about "best bet" technical assistance opportunities for building standards regimes in Latin America and Asia; (2) to provide technical assistance to in-country stakeholders who are building national standards regimes, and (3) to provide fora to spur intraregional cooperation on standards and international coordination of effort.