The objective of the assignment is to develop a Regional Efficient Lighting Strategy through an integrated policy approach. The main output of this will be a comprehensive, accurate and regionally coordinated Pacific Efficient Lighting Strategy document, the contents of which are to be based on the outline developed by en.lighten (Developing a National or Regional Efficient Lighting Strategy – A step-by-step guide for policy makers, January 2014).
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IIEC is responsible for supporting the implementation of EE measures in 5 PDMCs (Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu) towards achieving the overall goal of 10% reduction in average monthly energy consumption in the residential, commercial and public sectors and establish the policy and implementation frameworks to move towards the goals of reducing fossil fuel imports.
CEEP was a 3-year project to improve the efficiency of energy use in India and China by increasing the market availability and affordability of energy-efficient copper-intensive technologies. Its four interrelated objectives were:
The objective of this project is to re-establish and continue the development of a DSM Program for the electric utilities. The existing DSM Programs in the region have become a low priority and are implemented on a less coordinated manner since the completion of the UNDP Power Sector Project in 1996. With the recent adoption of Integrated Resource Planning, the need arises among electric utilities to evaluate an achievable DSM potential in order to come up with plausible least-cost supply scenarios in the future.
IIEC developed projects for Thailand, and the Philippines under the framework of AJI funded by the US Department of Energy. Structured for eligibility for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), projects that were considered include energy efficiency improvement in distribution circles, electricity generation from sewage treatment, use of fuel ethanol and alternate vehicle technology, and rice-husk cogeneration.