The Demonstration of Innovative Technology and Business Models for Efficient and Clean Cooling in the Pacific project (Cooling Demo Project), funded by the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) recently announced grant funding to five organizations in Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.

The five grant K-CEP's Cooling Demo recipients are:
Palau Energy Administration, Palau ("Demonstration of On-Bill Financing Scheme for Energy Efficient Air-Conditioners"). This demonstration will pilot the on-bill financing scheme for energy-efficient inverter RACs with R32 refrigerant and also support the development of the financial mechanism for cooling efficiency in the hotel sector, being implemented by K-CEP. The demonstration will supplement the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP) - EE housing loan to include cooling efficiency systems. For the Environmental Quality Protection Board (EQPB), the demo RACs with climate-friendly refrigerants will be introduced as a stepping stone for a clearer path of saving energy with friendly environmental refrigerant in Palau.
Goans Engineering & Consultancy Ltd., Papua New Guinea ("PNG Efficient & Clean Cooling Project"). This project aims to remove the barriers through demonstration of R32 Inverter room air-conditioners (RAC) in commercial establishments, small-medium industrial sectors, and government institutions which are the high-end energy users in the country and directly contribute to the system peak demand during normal business hours. In addition, it aims to demonstrate the energy-saving benefits of EE air-conditioners through a PAY-AS-YOU-SAVE (PAYS) model which will mitigate barriers pertaining to initial investment costs and enhance knowledge to promote greater adoption of efficient and clean cooling which is rarely practiced in the business as usual cases in PNG.
Solomon Islands Refrigeration and Air conditioning Association - SIRAC, Solomon Islands ("Demonstration of Sheltering Effect on AC Operational Efficiency"). The demonstration project is geared to perform energy savings and improve efficiency to existing split air conditioning existed in buildings in Honiara. As can be seen, the Solomon Islands ranked among the top highest electricity rate compare to other pacific islands countries. The hot and high humidity in Honiara contributes to the need for air conditioners for large organizations like government offices, private sectors and business houses as they are very essential for human comfort and conditioning of equipment.
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development - DARD, Vanuatu ("Demonstration of Cold Storage for Preservation of Produces for Local Farmers"). The demonstration project would be the first of its kind to be demonstrated by government departments and for the country using solar power. There are companies who have cold storage rooms such as the abattoirs, butcheries, big supermarkets, and very few food production exporters, however, none of them use solar power. The Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation (DEPC) and the Department of Energy will partner with the Department of Agriculture & Rural Development to procure and install a portable, solar-powered cold room container. This will be used as storage for fruits and vegetables and value-added products for farmers in Port vila to sell their products domestically or for export.
Tuff Boats Limited, Vanuatu ("Efficient and Clean Refrigeration for Small Banana Boats"). The aim of this project is to provide mobile cooling systems both as freezers and fridges on small 7mtr longboats. As marine transport is mainly undertaken through the islands by a large percentage of the population using this style of the boat it would be a world first to endeavor to make a refrigeration system like this. This project will benefit a large cross-section of the rural population of Vanuatu who lives outside the two urban areas mainly in the transport of food and medicines. The anticipation is that this technology will improve access to better quality foods and medicines in all rural areas of Vanuatu.
For more information about the Cooling Demo Project, please visit
The Demonstration of Innovative Technology and Business Models for Efficient and Clean Cooling in the Pacific Project (Cooling Demo Project), funded by the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) aims to enhance awareness and knowledge of policymakers and private sector organizations in Pacific island countries and territories (PICTs) on innovative technologies and business models for efficient and clean cooling applications in commercial, retail, agricultural and government sector. It is hoped that this enhanced awareness and knowledge can help Pacific Islands to adopt such technologies as well as the policies and financial mechanisms that help their adoption. The Cooling Demo Project is managed by the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC),
Remark: SAN FRANCISCO - August 24, 2021 – ClimateWorks Foundation announced that the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) has changed its name to the Clean Cooling Collaborative.