The International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) is supporting the Department of Energy's (DOE) Energy Utilization Management Bureau and the Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) to spearhead the enhancement of the Demand-Side Management (DSM) framework for the Philippines. The envisioned framework aims to bolster the development of a robust and accessible electricity system, one that's resilient, efficient, clean, and cost-effective. Framing effective DSM strategies drew inspiration from the Power Supply Procurement Plan (PSPP) reports, meticulously submitted to DOE by 148 Distribution Utilities (DUs) across the Philippines.
IIEC Recent News
The ASEAN Cool Initiative, funded by the Clean Cooling Collaborative (CCC), is geared to revolutionize Malaysia's air conditioning landscape. Led by United for Efficiency (U4E) in collaboration with the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC). Its primary goal is to accelerate the implementation of the ASEAN regional and national policy roadmap for RACs, facilitating a swift transition to the more ambitious Regional Phase II standards outlined in the roadmap.
International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) is providing partnership-cum-support to SDC to demonstrate building integrated renewable energy systems in India, increase the local capacity and stimulate market transformation towards the adoption of renewable energy technologies (BEEP-RE).
Solar water pumps are a cost-effective and more environmentally beneficial option for irrigation. However, overextraction of groundwater is a serious threat posed by solar water pumps as they offer virtually free electricity throughout the day. Thus, greater incentivization is required to motivate the users and promote the use of solar water pumps with judicious use of groundwater.
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- Enabling Readiness for Up Scaling Investment in Energy Efficiency for Achieving NDC Goals in Thailand
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- Innovative Efficient and Clean Cooling in the Pacific
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